La Tribu De Dana : for the love of the dog
Faithful friend and playmate, the dog is a unique life companion. Dana's Tribe was born out of love for the dog, to allow as many people as possible to share a harmonious relationship between master and dog, full of tenderness and happiness.
Dog lovers, welcome to Dana's Tribe!
Dana's Tribe: a unique concept and location
"Passionate about ethology and dogs, I created Dana's Tribe in 2008. The first years, I dedicated myself to dog training. Teaching cleanliness or obedience to your puppy, treating behavioural problems... trained in the natural method "l'Ecole du Chiot", I practice my profession with happiness, always with respect for the dog.
Breeding came next, taking on its full meaning in the concept of Dana's Tribe. Who hasn't dreamed of buying a dog that is easy to train, that will make the family happy? Why not make my dream of a place dedicated to dogs, in the middle of nature, allowing to combine dog breeding and dog education, come true?
C'est en 2016 à Crémeaux, au coeur de la Loire et dans un lieu unique de 5 ha dont 25 000 m2 sont dédiés aux chiens, que ce beau projet s'est concrétisé. La Tribu de Dana pratique l'élevage de 3 races de chien :
- Australian Shepherds
- Altdeutscher Schäferhund (Bergers Allemands ancien type au dos droit et à poils longs)
- King Charles Cavaliers
Venez nous rendre visite (sur rdv) : nous vous attendons !"
outdoor space
trained dogs

Breeding and dog training: certified professionals

Certifications & training
Dana Tribe
Laurent LOIZZO :
Certificate of competence no. 38275
SCC breeder : n° 385450
Eleveur NVBK n° 683
Certificate of competence no. 38337

The Dana Tribe: a unique place
A natural site of 50,000 m2
After having worked in Isère, we found the ideal place to set up our business, in accordance with our natural method of breeding and dog training and our taste for wide open spaces.
It is in the heart of the Loire, in the commune of Crémeaux, that Dana's Tribe has established itself. A green site, which we are developing over time, for dogs in freedom, in their natural environment.
- An area dedicated to puppy school, with an outdoor educational course
- Horse park
- Pond
We practice several activities with our dogs: Obedience, cani-trottinette and cani-VTT, cavage (truffle hunting) - cani-cross .....