La Tribu De Dana : for the love of the dog

Faithful friend and playmate, the dog is a unique life companion. Dana's Tribe was born out of love for the dog, to allow as many people as possible to share a harmonious relationship between master and dog, full of tenderness and happiness.
Dog lovers, welcome to Dana's Tribe!

Dana's Tribe: a unique concept and location

"Passionate about ethology and dogs, I created Dana's Tribe in 2008. The first years, I dedicated myself to dog training. Teaching cleanliness or obedience to your puppy, treating behavioural problems... trained in the natural method "l'Ecole du Chiot", I practice my profession with happiness, always with respect for the dog.

Breeding came next, taking on its full meaning in the concept of Dana's Tribe. Who hasn't dreamed of buying a dog that is easy to train, that will make the family happy? Why not make my dream of a place dedicated to dogs, in the middle of nature, allowing to combine dog breeding and dog education, come true?

C'est en 2016 à Crémeaux, au coeur de la Loire et dans un lieu unique de 5 ha dont 25 000 m2 sont dédiés aux chiens, que ce beau projet s'est concrétisé. La Tribu de Dana pratique l'élevage de 3 races de chien :
- Australian Shepherds
- Altdeutscher Schäferhund (Bergers Allemands ancien type au dos droit et à poils longs)
- King Charles Cavaliers
Venez nous rendre visite (sur rdv) : nous vous attendons !"

Discover our breeding Discover our educational services
5 ha

outdoor space

17 ans


+ de1800

trained dogs

3 races


Breeding and dog training: certified professionals

Laurent & Anne LOIZZO

Dog trainers La Tribu de Dana

The love of dogs has brought us together and we live it every day. The passion of our profession is everything... training is an essential complement! Every year, we carry out training courses.
See our professional profiles

Certifications & training

Dana Tribe

Dog breeding & dog training, respecting the rules.
Laurent LOIZZO :
Certificate of competence no. 38275
SCC breeder : n° 385450
Eleveur NVBK n° 683
Certificate of competence no. 38337

The Dana Tribe: a unique place

A natural site of 50,000 m2

After having worked in Isère, we found the ideal place to set up our business, in accordance with our natural method of breeding and dog training and our taste for wide open spaces.

It is in the heart of the Loire, in the commune of Crémeaux, that Dana's Tribe has established itself. A green site, which we are developing over time, for dogs in freedom, in their natural environment.
- An area dedicated to puppy school, with an outdoor educational course
- Horse park
- Pond

We practice several activities with our dogs: Obedience, cani-trottinette and cani-VTT, cavage (truffle hunting) - cani-cross .....

Discover our centre in pictures Contact us

They trusted us!

  • Géraldine B.
    Excellent breeding, excellent educator ! The dogs are happy, they are loved and as a result they are exceptional and make exceptional puppies .... ! We can only recommend them ! Thank you to Laurent and La Tribu de Dana because we have the best 4 legged companions thanks to them.
    Géraldine B.
  • Aymeric T.
    Laurent is a real enthusiast, it shows, the site is exceptional, the dogs are happy and the puppies are born in great conditions!
    Aymeric T.
  • Adeline C.
    Love for the animals. .... everything else follows from this! Respect, professionalism, good advice, humanity, good atmosphere, in short..... need to experience it! May Dana's tribe have many children! If every person with a dog goes there. ... well..... it will be heaven !!!!!!! Thank you so much! By the way, it's so good that you want to go just for the fun of it !!!!! It's a pity for me and my doggie that all these kilometres separate us!
    Adeline C.
  • She showed up on May 10th, the first of 8 Australian Shepherd puppies from Dana's Tribe. MITZY joined the house on July 16th ! Thanks to Laurent Loïzzo and Anne for their advice. Their passion and their good care are fundamental in the good adaptation of the puppies. MITZY integrates easily and shows herself to be both playful and peaceful...and sleeps through the night!
    Pascale de Mitzy
  • dog ears up light brown breeding altdeutscher schäferhund
    Goliath is finishing his 10 training sessions, he is now an easy-going and complicit dog. This "work" has allowed us to establish a real relationship based on two essential things, Respect and Trust (one not going without the other). If you are lucky enough to know Dana's Tribe, keep these two words in mind, it will surely change your dog's life, but maybe also yours. Thanks to Laurent for what he brings to dogs and their owners.
    Goliath and his mistress Anne
  • dog in profile with white muzzle and light brown ears in training at the dana tribe
    Dana's Tribe..... A must to discover. Laurent (the owner, always calm and understanding with the dogs (but also with the owners...). I always arrived late !!!!...knows how to put the dogs at ease. He is able to probe the animal very quickly, to guess its fears but also its preferences, which makes the work easier. Our four-legged friends work in good conditions, even the laziest or most fearful (like mine). I highly recommend this place and thank Laurent for his beautiful work...
    Kaïlé and his mistress Véronique
  • a dog sitting on a tribal tablet with its medal
    10 lessons later and here we are with a well trained dog. The recall, the walk on the foot, the sit, lie down, don't move, it works! Bravo and thank you Laurent for understanding and rewarding our faithful companion with your caresses and treats.
    Fée-Line and her mistress Laurence
  • saint bernard guele open dog training
    Know-how, patience and competence are the qualities that one finds at Dana's Tribe. Laurent knows how to make even the most clumsy dogs obey... It's an understatement to say that I have a young and big St. Bernard of 60 kg! Thank you
    Max and his Mistress Veronique
  • profile of a black and white border collie ears in the air dog school
    Thank you for all your advice and professionalism. We really appreciated her training sessions which are work for the dog, but always without aggressiveness, it allowed us to understand Funny better and how to react so that she listens to us and obeys us. Since the sessions, she is much more composed and reacts well to orders despite her stubborn character... We continue to apply the advice you gave us and there is constant progress. Thank you and long live Dana's Tribe...
    Funny and his mistress Cécile
  • laurent loizzo dog trainer with his 4 australian shepherds
    My vet's secretary gave me your address. I was looking for someone to train my dog Eden. I especially wanted her to obey when called, not to pull on her leash when walked and also to have tips on how to make her sit, walk and stay still. All this I could never have done without you. I am really satisfied and I invite all the people who don't know how to deal with their dog to take some lessons with Laurent.
    Eden and his mistress Therese