The latest news live from La Tribu De Dana!

Births, competitions, dog training courses, sports outings, interviews.... the tribe is on the move! Your dog breeding & education centre shares all its emotional moments with you...
September 11, 2023

Scarlett and Popeye wedding

We are pleased to announce the marriage of SCARLETT and POPEYE The puppies are expected between November 06 and 10, 2023 Reservations [... ].
August 30, 2023

The Peanuts x Taïko puppies have arrived!

On Tuesday August 29, our PEANUTS gave birth to 6 adorable fawn-colored puppies - 2 males and 4 females. The birth was long and [...]
August 27, 2023

Rita x Picasso's puppies have arrived !

Rita gave birth to 10 puppies on August 25 You can follow them on our FB page They will be available from October 20 [... ].
August 27, 2023

The Moon x Sting puppies have arrived !

Moon gave birth to 7 puppies on August 24 You can follow them on our FB page They will be available from October 20 [...].
July 27, 2023

Rita and Picasso wedding - Gestation confirmed !

RITA and PICASSO should offer us 10 to 12 puppies between August 24th and 29th Reservations are still possible!
July 27, 2023

Peanuts and Taïko wedding - Gestation confirmed !

PEANUTS and TAÏKO should offer us 6 puppies between August 24th and 29th Reservations are still possible!  

Moon gave birth to 7 puppies on August 24

You can follow them on our FB page
They will be available from October 20
Reservations are still possible